Game of Thrones Destinations in Northern Spain

Have your Sundays been 'overthrown' by John Snow, the Mother of Dragons and those White Walkers? If you're not caught up just yet, no worries, you'll get there. In the meantime, why not check out these glamping sites located just minutes from where Khaleesi herself has graced her presence? Yes, that's right, Games of Thrones does film on planet earth and the destinations they have chosen are just as magnificent on screen as they are off. Set in northern Spain, these top accommodations are near the 'real life' locations of both Westeros and Essos. Check out the Bardenas Reales Natural Park in Navarra while staying in a remodeled cave, explore Girona and its Bishop Cartañà and glamp in a luxury bungalow in Castellon. See the best sets of Game of Thrones! Spain won't disappoint!
